I am proud to share the following amazing testimonial I received from a current client.

“When I realized I needed an attorney to fight for parenting time with my daughter, I called about ten different law offices. From the moment I heard Beki’s voicemail I felt I could trust her. I could feel the passion, professionalism and sincerity in her voice. Sure enough she was the first (of few) that returned my call.
Beki is not a just a “lawyer” simply working a “job”. She is a dear, caring person who will fight tooth and nail for her clients.
This woman is amazing.
She went to bat for me on numerous occasions when I do not believe other attorneys would have.
Beki is a dedicated, no nonsense type of person. She genuinely cares about her clients, achieving justice and more importantly people in general. She is meticulous in her notes, case management and communication. With Beki as your attorney, you will never wonder “where’s Beki?” or “what’s going on with my case?” You know her exact hours, know when she’s out of the office or in trial.
Beki cares so much that she hosted a class open to ALL her current and clients on effective communication (especially with your child’s other parent). She offered this all free of charge AND bought us the book for class out of her pocket! I got a lot out of the class and got to interact with other parents dealing with the same struggles I am.
She will always make time for you.
Due to Beki’s brilliant strategy I finally am on a path towards equal parenting time with my daughter.
I could not be more grateful to Beki and all her hard work. I am so blessed to have her represent me.
If you need help advocating for your rights as a parent Beki is your best bet. She will always be in your corner and fight for you.”
Kevin C.