I get asked a lot about financial disclosures during divorce.
Most of the time, these questions are from people who don’t have a lot of assets, don’t have very much money in the bank, or weren’t married very long.
“Do I still have to do the preliminary financial disclosures?”
Yes you do!
In California, both parties *must* complete and serve on the other party preliminary financial disclosures which include:
- Declaration of Disclosure (FL-140)
- Schedule of Assets and Debts (FL-142), and
- Income and Expense Declaration (FL-150).
- It’s a good idea to fill out the Property Declaration (FL-160) as well.
These documents are not filed with the court, but must be served on the other party within 60 days of filing your petition for dissolution. If you are responding to a petition for dissolution, you also have 60 days from the date you file your response to serve these same forms on the other party.
This step is not optional, but it’s a step that many people either want to skip or don’t know they have to complete because they think they don’t have any assets.
If you have questions about your divorce, call me today to schedule a phone consultation. I am currently accepting new clients!